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Wholehearted, decision-making, our ultimate power

When people come to me seeking advice due to being on the fence about leaving their jobs or starting a business, one of the things I mention is the importance of wholehearted, committed decision making.

Making a fully committed decision has the power to hold us back or propel us forward.

Indecision is what causes us to stay stuck.

It’s really up to us but so many people I meet really struggle with going all in.

One of the biggest blockages of deciding is fear of the unknown, wondering will this decision truly help me to find what I am looking for – whether that is happiness, fulfillment, peace, success, prosperity etc.

Oh if we only had a crystal ball at our fingertips, making a decision would be so much easier.

If you are facing a career-related decision that you keep going back and forth on, here are some questions that may help you gain clarity.

What am I losing/risking by not making this decision?

What do I gain by not deciding?

What can I gain by making this decision?

What is the worst that can happen if I make the wrong decision?

What can happen if I make the right decision?

The key here is to make a solid decision instead of staying in limbo. My personal belief is that nothing changes if nothing changes and in life, it is important to take calculated risks.

Why? Because staying in our comfort zone for too long robs us of our potential and power to have the life that we envision.

Do you need some direction or clarity on the right next step in your career? Let's chat. I'd be happy to provide you with feedback to help you gain clarity and get you out of the limbo zone. Book a complimentary breakthrough session here!

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